Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 12

Wrap up; social networks and catch up
Okay, I made it through the course. I have been frustrated, confused, entertained but all in all I have found it very interesting. Although my role in the library is more focussed on the technical side I can see a lot of potential for our customers services team.
I feel that I have completed this to the best of my abilities. I wish I had more time to be able to devote to the various activities.

Week 11

Online applications and tools

The amount of free software available is quite astounding and although they may be limited in their capabilites they would make a good starting point for various activities in the library.
Google Docs would be a very useful tool to be used in collaborating with other staff on policies, procedures etc.

Week 10

I can see where Mashups could be a very useful resource to showcase our local area for tourism etc. Also useful in the Local History section of our library.

The mashup below shows countries I have visited.

Week 9

Exploring Podcasts and Audio
I can see where Podcasts could be a very useful tool in the Library. Audio or even Video Podcasts could be made for Storytelling, if children are sick and unable to come to storytime they can still access this resource at home.
An example of this can be found at

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Week 8

Having looked at the various sites suggested for this week's activity I can see that they obiously have a lot of potential for the serial computer user who has nothing better to do with their time than to go on to these sites and pose and answer questions.
Having said that, however, a dedicated and validated question and answer site could be very beneficial and useful in libraries. Schools and public libraries could set up a mutual question and answer site.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 7

I have set up my own delicious account and created a link in my blog.
The delicious account will be helpful when using different computers as I will be able to access my account thus allowing me to easily access the various sites that I have bookmarked for work.
Also sharing this account with others will certainly have benefits.
I have also set up my own Library Thing account and created a widget as a link in my blog. This site may assist in readers advisory.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 6

Exploring Online and You tube

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Week 5

Looking at Wikis today. Wikipedia is a very useful site.
Wikis could be used to hold meetings where everyone can't be present.
Also used for Work Manuals.